We have great pleasure in inviting you to contribute a research article or a comprehensive review for consideration and publication in Chromatography (ISSN 2227-9075)
Chromatography is an on online open access journal covering all aspects of fundamental advances and applications in isolation and purification sciences. The manuscript in Chromatography will be handled with quick turnaround production processing time. We welcome authors to submit their manuscripts for publications in Chromatography. Our goal in Chromatography is to enable fast dissemination of high impact works to the scientific community.
Scopes of Chromatography:
? Theory and methodology (theory of separation methods,
sample preparation, instrumental and column developments, new separation methodologies, etc.)
? Equipment and techniques, novel hyphenated analytical
solutions (significantly extended by their combination with spectroscopic methods and in particular, mass spectrometry)
? Novel analysis approaches and applications to solve
analytical challenges which utilize chromatographic separations as a key step in the overall solution
? Computational modelling of separations for the purpose
of fundamental understanding and/or chromatographic optimization
Now, we have two open special issue listed at below:
Article Processing Charges (APC) are waived for feature papers invited.
Please visit the Instructions for Authors before submitting a manuscript:
Manuscripts should be submitted through the online manuscript submission and editorial system at
We would like to thank you in advance for your contributions.
Look forward to having the opportunity to showcase and disseminate your research in Chromatography.
In case of questions, please contact the Editorial Office at:
Kind regards,
Ms. Yanli Gao
Chromatography Editorial Office
MDPI AG, Postfach, CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 61 683 77 34; Fax: +41 61 302 89 18