Panoply Journal


Diplomacy & International Relations

Currently open the submission of papers and articles for the Panoply Journal. The Panoply Journal contains articles about international relations from students and professionals worldwide. The word “panoply” comes from the Greek “πανοπλία” and refers to the full armor of the hoplite soldier in ancient Greek times. Students of international relations will most likely have stumbled on the word in the History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides.

We invite all students and professionals of international relations to share their knowledge and expertise. The Journal will be published digitally via our website.

If you wish to submit your article you can go to the Journal page and fill in the form and attach your article to it. We will confirm that we have received your email and we will keep you updated on the final publication date. The deadline date is currently set for the 1st of July 2020.

Requirements for papers and articles:

  • Articles must be original and previously unpublished,

  • Articles must be between 2,000 and 6,000 words in length,

  • Articles must pertain to the field of International Studies,

  • Articles may include charts, graphs, or other pertinent illustrations.

For more information go to our Journal Submission Page