ICEMT 2025
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by 2-3 technical committee or reviewers. Accepted and registered papers of ICEMT 2025 will be published in the Conference Proceedings, which will be submited for indexing by Ei Compendex, Scopus, and other databased.
Publication History
ICEMT 2024 | ACM digital library | ISBN: 979-8-4007-1761-1 | Index: EI compendex, Scopus
ICEMT 2023 | ACM digital library | ISBN: 979-8-4007-0914-2 | Index: EI compendex, Scopus
ICEMT 2022 | ACM digital library | ISBN: 978-1-4503-9645-5 | Index: EI compendex, Scopus
ICEMT 2021 | ACM digital library | ISBN: 978-1-4503-9022-4 | Index: EI compendex, Scopus
ICEMT 2020 | ACM digital library | ISBN: 978-1-4503-8837-5 | Index: EI compendex, Scopus
ICEMT 2019 | ACM digital library | ISBN: 978-1-4503-7210-7 | Index: EI compendex, Scopus
ICEMT 2018 | ACM digital library | ISBN: 978-1-4503-6525-3 | Index: EI compendex, Scopus
ICEMT 2017 | ACM digital library | ISBN: 978-1-4503-5293-2 | Index: EI compendex, Scopus
Submission Methods:
1. By Online System:
2. By Email:
Note: Please do not submit the same manuscript multiple times. And please choose ONE submission method for submiting.
Submission Guidelines
Full Paper
The manuscript in one column format, between 8-10 pages, extra pages (from Page 11) will be charged at 70 USD/per page. Manuscripts must be written in English and follow the instructions at Manuscript Formatting and Templates.
Accepted and presented papers will be published into conference proceedings, will be included in the major data base, EI Compendex, Scopus, etc,the proceedings will be distributed during the Conference.
Accepted articles will be invited for as oral /poster/video/online presentation, depending on the nature and quality of the paper.
Abstract (Presentation Only)
We encourage you to send informative abstract (200-400 words) which is a compendious summary of a paper's substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion.
Page Requirements
The manuscript in one column format, between 8-10 pages, extra pages (from Page 11) will be charged at 70 USD/per page.
Paper Template:
Call for Papers:
(Topics of interest for submissions include, but are not limited to):
Emerging Technologies in Education
Web-based Learning
Social Media Analysis and Educational Applications
Technology-Enhanced Learning
Flipped Classroom
Impact of Web Technologies on Education
Web Classroom Applications
BYOD (Bring your own device) and 1:1 Learning
Mobile and Tablet Technologies
Virtual Reality and 3D Applications
ICT skills and Digital literacy
ICT for Development
Intelligent Systems and UX for Education
Open Educational Resources
Open Access Education
Knowledge Management
Digital Libraries and Repositories
User-Generated Content
Learning Analytics
Educational Software & Serious Games
Educational Software Experiences
Computer Software on Education
Educational/Serious Games
Videos for Learning
Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
Animation and 3D Systems
Open Educational Resources
Digital Learning
Design and Interactive Communication
HCI and Digital Learning Experiences
Educational Software and Serious Games
e-Learning Projects and Experiences
Blended Learning
Mobile Learning
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Distance Learning
Online/Virtual Laboratories
Virtual Universities
e-Tutoring & Mentoring
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Personal Learning Environments (PLEs)
E-Learning Standards
Emerging multimedia applications and technologies
Image/Video Processing
Immersive Media
Multimedia Analysis and Understanding
Video Contents for Learning
Virtual Reality and Immersive Media
Learning and Teaching in Metaverse
Multimedia Databases and Data Mining
Multimedia for Society and Health
Multimedia Interaction
Multimedia Software, Hardware and Systems
Social Media Analysis and Applications
Speech/Audio Processing
Design and Interactive Communication
Internet Architectures
Web Design
Cognitive Modeling
Human-Computer Communication
Interfaces for Collaborative Work
Internet Search Technologies
Parallel and Distributed Processing
Java based Applications for Web
Computer Vision
Image Processing
Expert Systems
Artificial Intelligence in Education
ChatGPT and AI-Enhanced Learning
Adaptive Educational Systems
Cognitive Modeling and Intelligent Modeling
Learning with AI Systems
Machine Learning and Learning Analytics
Intelligent Modelling
Natural Language Processing
Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining
Architectures for AI-based Educational Systems
Agent-Based Learning Environments
Authoring Tools for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
More information about the topics, please visit:
Conference Program:
Day 1 - 29 July, 2025-Sign-in for ICEMT 2025
Day 2 - 30 July, 2025-Openning Remarks & Keynote Speech & Participants' presentations
Day 3 - 31 July, 2025-Participants' presentations
Day 4 - 1 August, 2025-Acdemic Tour and Walking Tour of the City (Optional)
Organized By
Kansai University, Japan
Contact Us
Conference Secretary: Ms. Bernice Bai
Phone: +86-17323120754 (China)