PMUD 2025
Computational Linguistics Data Mining & Analysis Artificial Intelligence Multimedia Software Systems
*** PMUD 2025: The 1st International Workshop on Process Mining with Unstructured Data ***
In conjunction with the 37th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2025) in Vienna, Austria - June 16-20, 2025 (in-person conference)
*** Conference website ***
*** Submission deadline ***
March 7th, 2025
*** Workshop focus ***
The Process Mining with Unstructured Data (PMUD) workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss how unstructured data can support process mining tasks.
Traditional process mining techniques take structured data as input. However, many valuable insights can be hidden in unstructured data sources, such as emails, social media interactions, or legal documents. Most state-of-the-art techniques ignore such data, thus missing valuable insights regarding the process. Furthermore, relying solely on structured data can lead to a rigid analysis framework, as structured data often adheres to predefined formats and categories.
Recently, a growing array of approaches to deal with various kinds of unstructured data has emerged in the literature. Among them, NLP techniques have attracted considerable interest thanks to recent breakthroughs such as Large Language Models. Examples include using NLP techniques to extract process models from textual documents, or using LLM to interact with the user at runtime. Some studies also advocate using unstructured data to extract inter-case patterns, thus supporting process-level and object-centric approaches.
Despite the promising results, dealing with unstructured data remains one of the main challenges when applying process mining.
*** Topics of interest ***
We welcome contributions on leveraging unstructured data to develop new or improve existing techniques, frameworks and tools to support the whole spectrum of process mining tasks.
This includes (but not limited to) the following topics:
- Leveraging unstructured data for multi-perspective process discovery
- Leveraging unstructured data for object-centric process mining
- Conformance checking against unstructured constraints
- NLP for conformance diagnostics
- Unstructured data for model enhancement
- Leveraging unstructured information for intra-and inter-case predictive analytics
- NLP for explainable Predictive Process monitoring
- NLP for interactive recommendations
- Comparative process mining on unstructured process data
- LLMs for process mining tasks
- Case studies on the use of unstructured data for process mining tasks
*** Sumbission Guidelines ***
PMUD 2025 proceedings will be part of the CAiSE 2025 Workshop volume published by Springer. Submissions must conform to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP format.
We welcome full research papers (12 pages, everything included) and short papers (6 pages, everything included).
Papers must be submitted as PDF files using EasyChair at, choosing the track "Workshops - PMUD".
For details, see the workshop website ( and the Springer web page (
*** Important Dates ***
Full paper submissions: March 7th, 2025
Notification of acceptance: April 7th, 2025
Camera-ready and author registration: April 14th, 2025
Workshop: June 16th-17th, 2025
*** Organizing Committee ***
Alex Mircoli, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Laura Genga, TU/e, The Netherlands
Roberto Nai, Università di Torino, Italy