48th ICT and Electronics Convention

MIPRO 2025

  • URL: http://www.mipro.hr/
  • Event Date: 2025-06-02 ~ 2025-06-06
  • Abstract Submission Date: 2024-12-16
  • Submission Date: 2025-02-03
  • Organizer: MIPRO Croatian Society
  • Location: Opatija, Croatia

Computer Networks & Wireless Communication Data Mining & Analysis Artificial Intelligence Human Computer Interaction Automation & Control Theory Microelectronics & Electronic Packaging Optics & Photonics Educational Technology Law E-commerce

The 48th International ICT Convention MIPRO 2025 focuses on information, communication, electronic technology, smart industry, renewable energy sources, ecology, and new and high technologies in general.

We welcome you to submit your scientific, technical, and review papers for any of our conferences (http://www.mipro.hr/CallForPapers/tabid/176/language/en-US/Default.aspx):

- AIS - Artificial Intelligence Systems

- BIS-BDP - Business Intelligence Systems and Big Data Processing

- CE - Computers in Education

- CIS - Cyber and Information Security

- CTI - Telecommunications & Information

- DC-CPS - Distributed Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems

- DE-DS - Digital Economy and Digital Society

- DS-BE - Data Science and Biomedical Engineering

- EE - Engineering Education

- HCI - Human-Computer Interaction

- ICTLAW - Information and Communication Technology Law

- MEET - Microelectronics, Electronics and Electronic Technology

- OPHO - Optoelectronics and Photonics

- PM - Project Management

- SIDE - Smart Industries and Digital Ecosystems

- SSE - Software and Systems Engineering

- SP - MIPRO Junior - Student Papers

This is an opportunity for you to showcase your research and professional work results. We are looking for scientific and professional contributions, including papers from PhD students, professional students, new researchers, specialists, and engineers involved in development, production, and marketing. We also welcome contributions that describe technical, software, and hardware solutions, as well as papers from experts in the field of education and educational technologies. Specifically, we extend an invitation to leaders of scientific, research, information, and European technological projects and other projects to share their accomplishments and expertise. We encourage anyone working in science, education, business, and public administration to present their findings.

In addition to the conferences, we also organize educational seminars, round tables, panel discussions, workshops, and a traditional exhibition of ICT, electronic and microelectronic products, services, and technical solutions. We invite you to present your products and solutions at our and your exhibition.

If you have suggestions and ideas to improve the content of our conference, please contact us at mipro@mipro.hr. We will be happy to consider your input and help bring your ideas to life. The traditional MIPRO convention is at your disposal and we aim to present you in the best possible way.

We welcome you to the MIPRO 2025 convention in the always beautiful and hospitable Opatija, a city of tourism, culture, science, and new technologies.


Abstract submission: 16 December 2024

Full-paper submission: 3 February 2025

Acceptance notification: 21 March  2025

Camera-ready submission: 7 April 2025

The early bird registration deadline is 19 May 2025.

PUBLISHING DETAILS: Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN-registered conference proceedings. Papers in English presented at the conference will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.